A Study and Developing a prototype of Digital Credit Bank System Case study of Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok


  • U-koj Plangprasopchoke Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok
  • Kanakarn Phanniphong Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok
  • Waranya Dathpong Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok


System Master, Education Management, Digital Credit Bank System


              The report is research aimed at studying information requirements of credit bank systems. The purpose of research are study the information requirements of the credit system of professional qualifications institutions and other agencies. where personal knowledge and skills are kept (portfolio) for comparing knowledge transfer and experience, and to develop the credit bank system to a central standard for comparing knowledge, skills and experiences using Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok as a case study.
              Efforts to connect the world of work and the world of education to enhance the educational qualifications and professional qualifications, or the work skills of those who already have a job, are an urgent priority for Thailand. Otherwise, more than 30 million Thai workers will lose the opportunity to continuously develop their potential. Meanwhile, the country may lose the opportunity to develop the workforce of its workforce, the largest group of people in the country, to support the continuous improvement of the quality of its workforce. This has the effect of increasing productivity for the continuous development of the country. This is the main problem in Thailand today.
               The research found that a National Qualification Framework Committee, which aims to act like this, but has been operating to date. All parties involved are trying to establish a comparable framework for their qualifications. There are 8 equal levels of national professional qualification framework, which is the same as all, but the missing part is that credits cannot be compared to each other. This is why this project experimented with designing a credit bank called credit bank system to actually transfer knowledge and experience in credit form. Using careers from private sector business groups, schools and establishments, commented on this research.     It can be concluded that the school agreed to have CBS with an average of 4.31, while the establishment agreed with having CBS with an average of 3.83


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