Administration of Immigration Police Operations Immigration Division 6


  • Ravee Hnusi Shinawatra University


Operations of Administration, Police Immigration


          The research’s title was The Administration of Immigration Police Operations Immigration Division 6. The research’s purposes were (1) The Administration of immigration police operations Immigration Division (2) The Immigration Police Service, Behavior Immigration Division 6 (3) To compare factors that affect the administration of immigration police operations Immigration Division 6 Classified by personal data (4) To study relationships between Immigration police Behavior and factors affecting the administration of immigration police operations Immigration Division 6.The researcher used Mixed Methods Research. The research instruments were the questionnaires for 400 examples and the group conversation of 30 examples. The research’s statistic was Percentage, Frequency, Range, Average, Median, Standard deviation, Dependent sample t-test, F-test and Pearson’s product correlation.

          The research findings were as follows: (1) The Administration of Immigration Police Operations Immigration Division 6. was about the Administration, the justice, the country security, the preparation for ASEAN community, the immigrant service and consumer protection had the Administration of the immigration officer’s operation in high degree. (2) The service of the immigration officer’s operation, Immigration Division 6 was about the service officer, the service process and the service environment were in a high degree. (3) The objective of each person, sex didn’t have any effect to the Administration of the immigration officer’s operation but the age had the effect on the country security, it had significance difference (p<.05). The Education of each person, had any effect on the country security in immigrant service effect to the work and the service Justice too, had significance difference (p<.05) (4) Responsible service behavior service Justice Service process and The environment of the service and factors that affect service operations in the lowest degree.


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