Case study of consumer protection the case procedure Act. BE 2551.


  • Somchai Supsiriphun Faculty of law Bangkokthonburi University
  • Suvut Sujitjakron Faculty of law Bangkokthonburi University
  • Surachai Phuangchosakdid Faculty of law Bangkokthonburi University


The Consumer Protection Act, B.E. 2522, the Consumer Case Procedure Act B.E. 2551


           The consumer protection in new digital technology, the citizen-consumers should have more understanding and judge the available rights in fairness in society. Though, there are many abundance goods in the way of massive productions and services, the consumers seems today lack of knowledge and understanding in product quality and low quality, particularly when the technologies have reached to play a crucial role. Unfortunately, the contractual event should be provided important balance but it is disadvantage. So, considering in disputes, it will affect the time for the law that has long been used to dealing with the problems. Those are involved in breaking the contract and damages (money) paid by the customers and certainly take time when they execute rules in consumer law. Thus, being a result of damages, always becoming disadvantaged categories of the consumers, this issue should be considered the consumers’ rights and fairness to justify the implementation of the civil case. Laws to prevent the consumers where determined in the Consumer Protection Act, B.E. 2522 and the Consumer Case Procedure Act B.E. 2551 to improve the process and better practices will contribute to consumer protection and to help the customers quickly by using the Act, save time and becoming an effective mechanism for consumer protection and accepting the fairness. However, when considering the Consumer Case Procedure Act B.E. 2551, the problems are that legal relation involving the customers. For example in terms of no fee-exempt for pleading resulting in an increase in payment, also the penalty does not address according to the objective of penalty in such this Act. In such a situation, the consumers suffer from less detriment shall receive more expenses than the consumers from more damages.  There is an emerging unfair practice towards the consumers.  Moreover, in very complexity of changes with new technologies such as industrious technology, economy, commerce, and services may be also managed in the process of complexity of production with modern materials. Therefore, it implies that the customers’ knowledge can’t keep up with the pace of changes. Certain marketing competition under the free market world encourages entrepreneurs focused on competing with each other. The low prices of raw materials exceed production capacities in particular low-cost manufacture and most often increase sales. The customers have encountered disadvantage caused by low quality-products. The study of the research conducts to determine the improvement of the Consumer Protection Act, B.E. 2522 and the Consumer Case Procedure Act B.E. have quality


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