The Transformational Leadership of Administrators Affecting Work Motivation of Employees of a Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing Company in Pathum Thani Province


  • Thitirat Meemak Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Thananan ThongLert Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Aphiwat Ponsayom Pacific Institute of Management Science


Transformational Leadership, Work Motivation for Performance, Motivating Factor, Hygiene Factor


          The purpose of this research was to study the transformational leadership of executives that affected the work motivation of employees of a printed circuit board manufacturing company in Pathum Thani Province. The questionnaire was used to collect data. The sample group in this research was 259 employees working in the production department using the proportional stratified random sampling method. Data were analyzed by statistical software packages, including percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation, coefficient, and multiple regression analysis.
          The results showed that the executive transformational leadership in terms of ideological influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and the individual aspect had a positive correlation and affects employee motivation. statistically significant at the level 0.05 level, predicting up to 92.50 percent (R2=0.925). The results from the research can be used as a guideline to promote work for greater efficiency and effectiveness.


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