Organization Engagement of Phayao Provincial Administrative Organization Employees


  • Sulakkana Nakin School of Political Science and Social Sciences college education Phayao of University
  • Chatthip Chaichakan School of Political Science and Social Sciences college education Phayao of University


Provincial Administrative Organization


        This research has 2 research objectives: to study the level of engagement to the Phayao Provincial Administrative Organization Employees and to study the factors that affect the organizational engagement of Phayao Provincial Administrative Organization Employees. The research was conducted in a Mixed Methods Research (MMR) way, with interviews with 10 key informants, who were selected specifically includes position: casual worker, government employee and civil servant and responses to questionnaires from samples from Phayao Provincial Administrative Organization Employees 179 persons. Quantitative research showed that Employees of Phayao Provincial Administrative Organization. There is a level of opinion in terms of factors that affect the engagement to the Phayao Provincial Administrative Organization Employees. Has overall at high level (x̄=3.855, S.D.= 0.673). On a case-by-case basis was found that factors affecting engagement with the organization. Work Experience (x̄=3.9378, S.D.= 0.71047), Job Description (x̄=3.9187, S.D.= 0.57973) and organizational structure (x̄=3.7092, S.D.= 0.72994). The Sample group agreed at high level, respectively.And the level of engagement to the Phayao Provincial Administrative Organization Employees. Has overall at high level (x̄=3.8646, S.D.= 0.83226). When considered on a case-by-case basis, sorted by average. The most common is come to work consistently (x̄=4.3296, S.D.= 0.71369), the desire to stay with the organization (x̄=3.6629, S.D.= 0.92408) and the desire to maintain the membership of the organization (x̄=3.6015, S.D.= 0.85903). The Sample group agreed  at high level. Qualitative Research the factors affecting personnel are opinions that affect engagement with the organization is: work experience, job description and organizational structure. The commitment to the organization that gives people a sense of attachment to the organization is: come to work consistently, the desire to stay with the organization and the desire to maintain the membership of the organization


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