Administration of community enterprises for the development of creative agro-tourism.


  • Pijak Chataviroj Philosophy in Public Administration, Rangsit University
  • Pathan Suwannamongkol Philosophy in Public Administration, Rangsit University


Administration, community enterprises, creative agro-tourism


          The article's goal is to study how community enterprise management could promote the development of creative agritourism. Community enterprise management requires the use of several management ideas, such as general administration, the use of critical factor analysis ideas like the 7-S analysis, and tourism management. This is important, especially for people who run community businesses, because it lets the group leader strengthen the group by coming up with a plan for running community businesses. Because of this, it is important and interesting to study how a group of locally based businesses can manage creative agricultural tourism for the good of the area. Therefore, it is important and fascinating to research the subject of the difficulties and rewards of running a community business while utilizing inventive agricultural tourism to boost the revenue of other community businesses. By exploring this topic, we can gain insights into the challenges that arise when combining tourism and agriculture and how these challenges can be overcome to benefit the community as a whole. Additionally, understanding the rewards of such an approach can inspire other communities to adopt similar strategies for economic growth. 


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