Comparison of academic achievement and analytical thinking skills in mathematics of grade 1 students who received TGT cooperative learning


  • Sompong Panthong Saint John’s University
  • Sudaporn Pongpisanu Saint John’s University
  • Supot Kerdsuwan Saint John’s University
  • Rasavadi Kuonsongtham Saint John’s University


academic achievement in mathematics, analytical thinking skills, ; TGT learning management


          The objectives of this research article were 1) to compare the learning achievement. For students in grade 1 with TGT learning management before and after teaching 2) to compare analytical thinking skills in mathematics. For students in grade 1 with TGT pre and post-teaching learning management. The sample group used in this research was Prathomsuksa 1/8 students at Sarasas Witaed Samut Prakan School. Office of the Private Education Commission of 20 people obtained by random sampling. The tools used in the research include learning management plans, achievement test and analytical thinking skills test by using TGT technique. and standard deviation.

           The results of the research were as follows: 1) From comparing the math learning achievement and analytical thinking skills of Prathomsuksa 1 students who received the TGT cooperative learning method, it was found that the mathematics learning achievement of the Prathomsuksa 1 group Those who received TGT cooperative learning management techniques before learning (Mean = 9.3, SD = 0.9) after learning (Mean = 9.8, SD = 0.4). Cooperative knowledge of TGT technique before learning (Mean = 7.5, SD = 1.9) after learning (Mean = 9.4, SD = 1.1) 2) from comparing the learning achievement and analytical thinking skills in mathematics of primary school students. 1 After receiving the TGT cooperative learning management, it was found that the learning achievement in mathematics before school was significantly different from that after. with less before school than after.


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