Development of Management Model TO BE NUMBER ONE to Excellence with the Principle of Participation Ban Dua Wittayakhom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization


  • Manop Chaisan Banduawittayakom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization


Model development, Manages TO BE NUMBER ONE, Principles of Participation


               Development of Management Model TO BE NUMBER ONE to excellence with the principal of participation was Ban Dua Wittayakhom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization. The objectives were to create a model for developing the management model of TO BE NUMBER ONE to excellence with the principle of participation in Ban Dua Wittayakhom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization using participatory action research and research and development methodologies. The research operation was divided into 4 steps:    Step 1: Study of theories and concepts. Relevant research papers explore current conditions, problems, and needs for the development of TO BE NUMBER ONE management. to excellence with the principle of participation, Step 2: Creating a model to develop a model for managing TO BE NUMBER ONE to excellence with the principle of participation by examining the suitability and feasibility of the model using focus group techniques by 10 experts.  Step.   3: Experimental development model of TO BE NUMBER ONE management to excellence with the principle of participation Ban Dua Wittayakhom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization and step 4, evaluation of the management development model of TO BE NUMBER ONE to excellence with the principle of participation Ban Dua Wittayakhom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization The group of people of 22 people. The research instruments included interviews and questionnaires. Statistical data used for analyzing data, including mean and standard deviation
The results of the study were as follows:
                    1). Overall, the development of the management of TO BE NUMBER 1 was practiced on the management of TO BE NUMBER 1 in all 3 aspects at a high level.  2). Management development model of TO BE NUMBER ONE to excellence with the principle of participation Ban Dua Wittayakhom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization. It is a 3 steps systematic process.   3). An experimental model for the development of TO BE NUMBER ONE management to excellence with the principle of participation Ban Dua Wittayakhom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization. 4). Management development model of TO BE NUMBER ONE to excellence with the principle of participation Ban Dua Wittayakhom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization usefulness, feasibility, suitability, and accuracy, overall in general 4). Management development model of TO BE NUMBER ONE to excellence with the principle of participation Dua Wittayakhom School Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization usefulness, feasibility, suitability, and accuracy in general and overall and in each aspect, there were at a high level.


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