The Public Administration of Political Office Holder of Thailand: A case study of Deputy Prime Minister


  • Noppadol Soonthornon Independent Scholar
  • Chompoonuch Soonthornon Information Science, School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


public administration, political office holder, deputy prime minister


         This research paper presents the essence of the study on the administration of the deputy prime minister. Which is a qualitative research by studying a case study approach under the framework of research concepts consisting of public interest, administration of political office holder, public administration knowledge and guidelines. The purpose of this research is to study the public administration of political office holder in Thailand for the benefit of the administration of the Thai public affairs. Participatory observation data collection method was used, together with non-participatory observation, Informal conversations for individuals and groups, and document analysis. The results showed that political office holder in the position of deputy prime minister considered a political official who plays an important role in the state administration, because this position had to act on behalf of the prime minister and the administration of political office holder in the position of deputy prime minister, reflecting the administration of public affairs at the policy level, namely structure, powers and authorities, administrative procedures including organizational behavior.


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