Communication Strategies, Opportunities, and Needs to Develop Business Brand of Souvenirs Shops in the Eastern Region through Facebook Platform According to The Eastern Economic Corridor: EEC and Buddhist Principles


  • Pariya Rinrattanakorn Sripatum University at Chonburi


communication strategy, facebook platform, souvenir shop business brand development, Buddhist principles


          This research aimed to study communication strategies, perspectives, opportunities, needs, and Buddhist principles application in the business brand development of a souvenir shop in the eastern region through Facebook platform according to the project of the Eastern Economic Corridor: EEC. The researcher used qualitative research methods; starting from researching the document. The researcher collected data from the souvenir shop's Facebook platform of 36 cases, had in-depth interviews with a group of 15 souvenir shop business entrepreneurs and arranged group discussions of souvenir shop business owners in 3 groups of 7 people each, totaling 21 people. The results of the study showed that the sample group used communication strategies through Facebook focusing on posting time, content, post’s engagement, inbox messages, profile pictures, pictures, videos, live broadcasts and customers’ reviews. For the opportunity to develop a souvenir shop business brand, it was found that the sample group saw the opportunities to develop their brands from the project of Eastern Economic Corridor: EEC. In addition, it was found that the sample group wanted to develop a branding strategy, using multiple platforms, content marketing and networking with government support. For Buddhist principles, that souvenir shop entrepreneurs adhere to as the basis of successful business running and brand developments are the Four Sangahavatthus and the Four Secular Principles.


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