Development of online animation lessons on vowels and tones for Prathom Suksa 2 students


  • Nipitcha Sukgan Kasetsart University
  • Nattaphon Rampai Kasetsart University
  • Suthithep Siripipattanakul Kasetsart University


Online lessons, Animation, Vowels and Tones


            The objectives of this research were to: 1) develop an online animation lesson on vowels and tones for Prathom Suksa 2 students to have the quality and efficiency of 80/80 for Prathom Suksa 2 students, 2) compare of pre-test and post-test scores of students who learned from online animation lessons on vowels and tones and 3) study the satisfaction of Prathom Suksa 2 students on online animation lesson on vowels and tones.

            The sample group used in this research were 20 students that study in Prathom Suksa 2/2 of Ban Ladprao School, Semester 1, Academic Year 2022. The research tool were: an online animation lesson on vowels and tones marks for Prathom Suksa 2 students, pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed using mean (x̄),standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test (t).

            The research results showed that: 1) Online animation lessons on vowels and tones for Prathom Suksa 2 students was quality at the highest level (x̄ = 4.87, S.D.=0.14) and efficiency were 80/80, which was in accordance with the established criteria post-test score was higher than the pre-tset score at the .05 level of significance, and 3) Prathom Suksa 2 students had learning satisfaction from online animation lessons on vowels and tones was at the highest level (x̄ =4.94, S.D.=0.20)



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