Following in the footsteps of the King to Khok Nong Na Model in the local community sustainably of first year students Social Studies of Sisaket Rajabhat University


  • Chamnan Soda Department of Social Studies, Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University


King's science, Project Integration Learning, Khok Nong Na Model, Local Community


           The objectives of this research were 1) to develop and enhance learning of the King's Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy through Project Integration Learning (PIL) in the King's Learning Center. Sisaket Rajabhat University 2) to study the approach of applying the philosophy of sufficiency economy to sustainable economic recovery of the local community. in the form of Khok Nong Na of entrepreneurs who are self-reliant and able to help society The sample population is 30 students from Sisaket Rajabhat University and entrepreneurs who bring the philosophy of sufficiency economy to sustainable economic recovery of the local community. In the Khok Nong Na model, there were 10 people. The research model was qualitative research. Data were collected from in-depth interviews from key informants and group discussions. (Focus group discussion)
          The results of the study were:
          1) Learning the King's Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy through Project Integration Learning (PIL) of students It consists of the following learning steps: 1) title determination 2) question mapping 3) search, summary of knowledge and work piece creation 4) integrated linkage evaluation 5) portfolio preparation 6) public presentation In order from the King's Learning Center of Sisaket Rajabhat University, it was found that the King's Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy was used in Sisaket Province, consisting of Project to promote the processing of shallots into shallot tea Promotion of herbal soap making project Project to promote durian processing by using various techniques and processes Project to promote the production of organic fertilizer pellets, betel nut mat, herb fish Seasoned Khao Lam and fresh fish products Project to promote and upgrade the finished Nam Nua community products projects for development, promotion and processing of economic crops, etc
          2) Guidelines for applying the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to Sustainable Restoration of the Foundation of Local Communities in the form of Khok Nong Na of entrepreneurs who rely on themselves and help society It is agriculture that emphasizes self-reliance. It is the creation and development of their agricultural land to be ready to be a source of food production and to be prepared to cope with the Changes from the outside world, whether it is an economic crisis even if there is no income from the sale of products or is it a drought It doesn't rain in season, so farmers still have water sources in their areas that can be utilized. return to nature It is a food source for various animal species. Create balance for nature and human beings to be able to live together in a supportive way, enabling people in the community to be able to rely on themselves with food, supplies and housing only. But it also makes the environment both soil and water better. fresh air which can be applied by everyone in urban and rural areas for sustainable better quality of life


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