Information Exposure Behaviors, Motivations, And Purchasing Decision Making On Products Through Online Platforms Of X Y Z And Baby Boomber Generations in The Situations Before And During A Covid-19 Occurrence


  • Nuttakan Suwanwihok Master of Communication Arts Program Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University Chonburi Campus
  • Pariya Rinrattanakorn Faculty of Communication Arts Sripatum University Chonburi Campus


information exposure behavior, motivation, purchase decision


       The objective of this research was to study information exposure behaviors, motivations, and purchasing decision-making on products through online platforms of X, Y, Z, and baby boomer generations in the situations before and during the Covid-10 occurrence. This study was a quantitative study in the form of single-measure survey research. The data were collected by the questionnaire. A sample of 400 people comprised of consumers from 20-55 years of age with at least 3 years of experience in using online platforms and purchasing products through online platforms were selected by purposive sampling. The researcher posted the questionnaire to 8 Facebook Groups and 2 Line Open Chat groups with 40 samples per group and random sampling was used. The results showed that most of the samples were Generation Y, aged between 20 and 37 years old, who had the most exposure to news through Facebook before the COVID-19 outbreak. During the COVID-19 situation, they used TikTok for the most exposure. Most motivation for using online platforms before COVID-19 was rational and during the COVID-19 situation was emotional. They used Shopee to make purchase decisions the most.


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