Development of mathayomsuksa 6 students' problem-solving skills for physics content on magnetic field from electric current flowing through conductors by using a 5-step inquiring-based learning management combined with a STEM-based education.
5-step inquiry-based learning management, STEM-based learning management, Science problem solving skillsAbstract
This research investigated an integrated learning management method using a 5-step inquiry-based learning management system combined with a STEM-based learning management system. The objective was to develop problem-solving skills about electric current flowing through the coil in the physics subject of Mathayomsuksa 6 students at Thung Song School. Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, for 40 students. After the learning management experiment, students' problem-solving skills were assessed at different stages of the learning management process and also evaluated the satisfaction of various issues used in learning management. The obtained scores will be compared with the 5-level average score criteria. The results show that (1) Students have increased problem-solving skills at every step as assigned by the teacher. Before being managed to learn The student's problem solving ability scores were 7.5% very good, 45.0% moderate, 45.0% low, and 2.5% should be improved. After applied this technique, the high level problem solving skills were obtained. There was very good level increased to 17.5%, the good level increased to 50.0% and the moderate level was 32.5%. In addition, when considering problem-solving skills according to the stages of learning management. It was found that the step in which the students' scores are increased. The concept related to the problem increased by 33.5%, the problem-solving design stage increased by 31.1%, the testing, evaluation and improvement stage increased by 29.0%, the identification of problems or situations increased by 25.0%, the proposing solutions increased by 25.0% and the planning to implement solutions increased by 24.8%. (2) The results of the satisfaction assessment of the students after receiving the 5-step search-based learning management in conjunction with the STEM-based learning management show that mean value was 4.24 and the standard deviation was 0.75, which was in a high level.
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