Impact of Green Advertising on Green Product Purchase Intention: Mediating Role of Consumer Trust


  • Chanchai Bunchapattanasakda Ph.D. in Management Program, Stamford International University
  • Yue Huang Ph.D. in Management Program, Stamford International University
  • Porntiwa Bunchapattanasakda United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company Limited
  • Boonyaporn Boonmek YLG Bullion and Derivatives Company Limited
  • Hatairat Lertjanyakit Ph.D. in Management Program, Stamford International University


Advertising, green products, purchase intention, social media, trust


         This study is to test the impacts of green advertising on social media and consumer green product purchase intentions focusing on the mediating role of consumer trust. This research employed an empirical study using online questionnaire to collect data from 427 Chinese consumers who aged over 18 years old and have a minimum high school education, are aware, and interested in buying green products using a snowball sampling method. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) procedure. The results showed that (1) acceptance of green advertising on social media had a significant positive impact on green product purchase intention; (2) acceptance of green advertising on social media had a significant positive impact on customer trust; (3) consumer trust had a significant positive impact on green product purchase intention, and (4) consumer trust had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between acceptance of green advertising on social media and green product purchase intention.


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