Factors Influencing Customers’ Loyalty of Molding and Metal Forming Industry



  • Kanjana Chanmit
  • Jiraporn Rahothan


Factors influencing loyalty, customers, molding industry, metal forming industry.


The research objectives were as follows: 1. to study the personal factors, the service quality factors,  the relationship quality factors,  the factors within the purchasing process and corporate brand value factors influencing customer loyalty in the molding and metal forming industry; 2. to identify various factors influencing customer loyalty in the molding and metal forming industry.The research population consisted of employees from companies and industrial plants, including both current and potential customers in the metal stamping and molding business. While the precise number remains unknown, a sample size of 385 samples was calculated using the Cochran sample size formula.

The research findings revealed the following: 1. Personal factors, such as position, division/department, type of factory, and registered capital of the respondents, considered overall and each aspect, significantly influenced customers' loyalty behavior, especially the position of employees.  2. Service quality factors significantly affected customer loyalty in the molding and metal forming industry in terms of attitude and behavior at a significanof 0.05. 3. Relationship quality factors significantly impacted customer loyalty in the molding and metal forming industry in behavioral aspects at a significance level of 0.05. 4. Purchasing process factors had a significant effect on customer loyalty in the molding and metal forming industry in the behavioral aspect, with a significance level of 0.05. 5. Organizational brand value factors affected customer loyalty in the molding and metal forming industry, in the attitude aspect, with a significance level of 0.05. 6. Service quality, relationship quality, purchasing process, and organizational brand value factors collectively influenced customer loyalty in the molding and metal forming industry, in terms of attitude, at a significance level of 0.05.


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