Loneliness Solutions of the Elderly Living Alone in Rural Area


  • Chintana Leelakraiwan Faculty of Nursing, Northern College, TAK
  • Watcharin Khamsa Faculty of Nursing, Northern College, TAK
  • Apiraya Panthong Faculty of Nursing, Northern College, TAK


loneliness solutions, elderly living alone in rural areas, Mental Health Promotion


          Living alone is one type of living arrangement that characterizes social disconnection that leads to various health and psychosocial problems. The study aims to analyze activities undertaken by the elderly who are living alone in rural areas. The study method used a qualitative approach. A study sample consists of 15 elderly living alone. Data was collected through a questions guide; semi-structure. Results showed that the elderly living alone utilize two forms of solutions; individual-based and community-based. For individual-based the elderly use the mobile telephone to contact relatives and watch drama or news, do gardening, and chat with neighbors, for community-based activities including attending elderly school and having health volunteers visit home.


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