The Decision To Purchase Voluntary Personal Car Insurance in Saraburi Province


  • Samrit Nuamsiri Faculty of Management Science, Pacific Institute of Management Science


Voluntary Car Insurance, The Decision To Purchase, Marketing Mix: 7Ps


              This research aims to achieve the following objective: 1) To study the level of marketing mix factors (7Ps) that affect the Decision to Purchase Voluntary Personal Car Insurance in Saraburi Province area. 2) To conduct a comparative study of personal factors and their influence on the decision-making process for the decision to purchase voluntary personal car insurance in Saraburi province. 3) To study the analysis of marketing mix factors (7Ps) that influence the decision-making process for purchasing personal auto insurance in the voluntarily insured market in the province of Saraburi. The sample group consists of 400 conveniently selected individuals who have purchased personal auto insurance in the voluntarily insured market in the Saraburi province. The tools used for data collection are questionnaires. Statistical methods employed for data analysis include frequency distribution, percentages, averages, standard deviations, t-test, F-test, or one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for assessing variability.
             Results indicated that: 1) gender, age, education level, occupation did not affect the decision to purchase personal voluntary motor insurance in Saraburi province area. 2) The results of analyze market mix factors (7Ps) by using the multiple regression method revealed that only one factor influenced the decision to purchase personal voluntary motor insurance in Saraburi province area is physical environment. Consumers value the location of the insurance company in order to be able to easily contact and coordinate insurance matters.


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