Guidelines for developing the quality of life and environment of communities in Bangkok According to strategy 2


  • อัญชลี นรินทร
  • ตระกูล มีชัย
  • กนก เพ่งจินดา
  • นิวรัตน์ วิจิตรกุลสวัสดิ์


Quidelines for developing, quality of life development, community development, the quality of life and environment


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the level of opinions of the community on the development of the quality of life and the environment in Bangkok; 2) to study and compare the opinions of the community on the development of the quality of life and the environment in Bangkok, Classified according to demographic characteristics and 3) to find ways to develop the quality of life and environment of communities in Bangkok. Integrated research model use the concept of quality of life development as the research framework. The research area are 8 districts in Bangkok. The sample group has 2 types: Type 1, where the main informants are community presidents or community committee members in Bangkok, totaling 8 people, and Type 2, 400 people in the area, using simple random sampling. Research tools are 1) questionnaire 2) interview form. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Qualitative research section Analyze the content and write a descriptive narrative. The results of the research found that 1) The level of opinions regarding the development of the quality of life and environment in Bangkok in all aspects is at a high level. 2) The development of the quality of life of the people in Bangkok. There is a high level of opinion regarding the quality of life of the people in the community in Bangkok in every aspect. 3) Summary of the hypothesis that people in the Bangkok community of different genders have a level of development of the quality of life and the environment different Significantly at 0.05. As for people in the Bangkok community with different ages, marital status, education level, occupation, and average monthly income, they have different statuses.


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