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The Roles and Leadership in Establishing the Sustainable Health Partnership Network in Phayao Province.


  • Yapa Witnalakorn -
  • Udomchoke Asawimalkit


This article is part of the Independent Study’s research on the topic entitled " The Roles and Leadership in Establishing the Sustainable Health Partnership Network in Phayao Province," Public Administration Program at Chiang Mai University. The objectives are to explain the roles of leaders in the establishment of health networks and to present various factors that impact managing health networks in Phayao Province. The study utilized in-depth interviews with key informants, including organizational leaders, local leaders, community leaders, and network members in the field of health. The main findings regarding the management of health networks in Phayao Province demonstrate that successful network management relies on driving forces and a clear vision from leaders, as well as an inclusive decision-making process involving all network members. However, sustainability challenges in network management roles are identified, such as issues related to succession planning and member relationships.



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