Factors Affecting Receiving for the Expenditure Budget Allocation of Public Universities in the East Economic Corridor


  • Pukkamon Kongsommat Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Tanasorn Girum Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Sumalee Somnuk Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok, Bangkok, Thailand


budget, preparation of budget proposals, institutional clustering


          The purpose of this qualitative research was to study factors affecting the expenditure budget allocation of public universities in the Eastern Economic Corridor. Qualitative data were derived from documentary research and in-depth interview with relevant parties in preparing budget proposals, including those involved in considering expenditure budget allocation of public universities in the Eastern Economic Corridor.
          The results showed that the institutional clustering did not affect the expenditure budget allocation of public universities in the Eastern Economic Corridor. On the other hand, the university's vision and mission indirectly affected on the expenditure budget allocation because these factors were part of the budget consideration and were instrumental in driving the organization to achieve its goals. In addition, it was found that political factors indirectly affected expenditure budget allocation through the formulation of policies and strategies for national development. Moreover, the other factors affecting the allocation of the university's expenditure budget consisted of the accuracy of documents as specified by the Budget Office, clearly detail of the projects to response the national development policies and strategies, cooperated and integrated projects between ministries. Including the preparation of budget proposals, relevant university staff should instantly deliver additional information requested by the Budget Office and was able to communicate effectively with the Budget Office staff.


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