The relationship between leadership and being a learning organization in vocational educational institutions in Phayao Province.


  • Atthaphan Thapanya
  • Pakaporn Butsabong
  • Suchart Jaipukdee
  • Suvimon Chaiphanphong
  • Pitchayanon Wonghan


The purpose of this study was to study the leadership competency of educational institution administrators. As well as study the level of organization and the relationship between leadership and learning organization of public educational institutions under the Vocational Education Department in Phayao Province. The research, population for collecting data is educational institution administrators, government teachers, and teachers in government educational institutions under the Vocational Education Department of Phayao Province. There are 218 people classified by gender, age workplace working years, and education qualifications. The tool used in this study and data collection was a questionnaire regarding general information of the respondents and the relationship between leadership and being a learning organization using the highest level of importance, go for the least. The research results found that the leadership competency of the executives has a high but not very high level of leadership competency.

Therefore, to create the organization's knowledge and ability to develop and organize it into a learning organization to its full potential, executives should improve their leadership competencies to a higher level of competence.  It also makes executives aware that if educational institution administrators have high leadership competencies, they include professional competencies leadership competencies, and high basic leadership competencies. It will result in the administrators being able to promote the organization. Or an educational institution to be a learning organization.


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