Factors Affecting to Watching Decisions to Watch Volleyball Nations League of Thai Volleyball Fans
Factors Affecting, Watching Decisions, Watch Volleyball Nations League of ThaiAbstract
This thesis explores the factors influencing Thai volleyball fans’ decisions to engage with live broadcasts and online viewing channels, specifically focusing on the Volleyball Nations League (VNL). A comprehensive survey was conducted with a sample of 400 Thai volleyball enthusiasts, employing a questionnaire to collect data on demographics, viewing habits, and preferences related to VNL matches. The analysis included descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, and the chi-square test was utilized to examine the hypotheses.
The demographic analysis revealed that the majority of the respondents were females aged between 41-50 years, with an associate's degree or vocational certificate, employed in private companies, and earning a monthly income of 30,001-40,000 baht.
Moreover, the study assessed the impact of marketing mix elements on viewership. The results indicated a high level of influence of these factors on the decision-making process of Thai fans when watching VNL matches, suggesting that marketing strategies are crucial in enhancing viewership engagement. Overall, the findings provide valuable insights into the preferences and behaviors of volleyball fans in Thailand, emphasizing the importance of targeted marketing approaches to maximize the reach and impact of volleyball broadcasting.
Various marketing mix factors that affect the choice to watch volleyball through online channels are as follows: product side, price side, distribution channel side. Process side and physical characteristics with a result of 12.3 percent
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