Factors Influencing on Chinese Consumers Intention Purchases Online


  • Kanchaya Chaivirutnukul -
  • เจษฎากร จาวรรณ์ Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok
  • กัญจณ์ชญา ชัยวิรัตน์นุกูล Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok
  • ธนสร กิรัมย์ Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok
  • เกษร อึ้งสวรรค์ Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok
  • Yanhaojia Cheng Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok


Perception of Benefits, Perception of Ease, Risk Acceptance, Trust, Attitude, Intentions purchasing online


This study aims to compare Chinese consumers' intentions of purchasing online. Quantitative research methods were used, including a field survey of 200 people. A questionnaire was used to collect data, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.979. Statistics used in hypothesis testing include Mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression. The results showed a sample of 200 Chinese consumers, 83 males and 117 females. The results of the multiple regression analysis by the enter method showed that the perceived benefits, perceived ease, risk acceptance, trust, and attitude could predict the intentions purchasing online of Chinese consumers by 28.40% (R2= 0.284, p-value= 0.000). The factors that can jointly predict the intentions purchasing online of Chinese consumers significantly at the level of 0.05 are Perceived Benefits (β=0.205, p-value= 0.009), Trust (β=0.198, p-value= 0.010), and Attitude (β=0.183, p-value= 0.010). , But Perceived Ease (β=0.092, p-value= 0.197) and Risk Acceptance (β=0.090, p-value= 0.218) can jointly predict the online purchase intention of Chinese consumers not significantly. Based on the research results


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