The Causal Factors Influencing The Efficiency Of Social Media Customer Relationship Management: Toward Hotel Business In Thailand
Customer engagement, Electronic service quality, Knowledge management, Customer relations activities on social media, Intention to use the serviceAbstract
This research aimed to study 1) Hotel service usage behavior in Thailand, 2) The influence of factors affecting the efficiency of social media customer relationship activities and hotel service usage intention behavior in Thailand, and 3) The development of a structural equation model of these factors. The data were collected by purposive sampling from 400 hotel users through online bookings.
The results of the research found that the majority of the respondents were female, aged 25-35, had a bachelor’s degree, had an average monthly income of 30,001-50,000 baht, and were mostly self-employed or entrepreneurs. Most of them used hotels for travel and relaxation, traveled with their families, and had a frequency of stay of 2-3 times a year. They used Facebook as a channel for receiving news and information. The results of the test of the influence of the structural equation model were consistent with the empirical data. The relative chi-squared ratio index (CMIN/df) was 2.065, p-value was 0.000, CFI was 0.959, GFI was 0.949, RMSEA was 0.056, and RMR was 0.032. The results of the hypothesis testing found that: Customer engagement and e-service quality influence the effectiveness of social media CRM activities of hotel businesses in Thailand. The hypothesis testing results show that customer engagement and e-service quality affect the effectiveness of social media CRM activities, while customer knowledge management does not affect this effectiveness. Social media CRM activities are significant mediators between service intention and customer engagement and e-service quality, by encouraging customers to follow activities and information from the business.
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