Cultural Tourism Experience in the Digital Age: Design of Gamified Digital Tool for the Younger Generation


  • Fankai Nie -
  • Atithep


gamification, digital tools, cultural tourism, product design


In today's rapid digitalization and information age, traditional cultural tourism methods can no longer meet modern tourists' changing needs and expectations. The introduction of gamification and digital tools provides essential opportunities for development in the tourism industry. This paper reviews the existing literature on gaming and digital tools for cultural tourism and proposes a new approach that combines gamification and digital tools.

The study presents the various stages and methods required to design gamified digital tools for cultural tourism based on the mechanism-dynamic-aesthetic (MDA) framework. It emphasizes how it can adapt to the personalized experience needs of the younger generation. Researchers outline future research areas, focusing on making cultural tourism more sustainable by finding exciting and innovative ways to engage tourists in cultural tourism. The results are of enormous significance for understanding the role of gamification in enhancing the cultural tourism experience and providing application guidance for product design in cultural tourism. Based on the previous user analysis, this study developed a gamification digital tool for cultural tourism based on the MDA framework, aiming to enhance the tourism participation and experience of younger tourists. Further research will concentrate on the outcomes of implementing digital gamification tools, specifically examining whether these tools foster positive attitudes and emotions among tourists, thereby enhancing their understanding of the attractions and fostering shared experiences. Suppose the results of this study can help improve the digital natives' tourism experience. In that case, we hope to explore its wide application and long-term impact in different cultural contexts through further research and promote the sustainable development of cultural tourism.


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