Theoretical Analysis of Teaching Models for Snowboarding Beginners
This paper reviews a variety of educational theories and models for teaching snowboarding beginners, including the ADDIE model, Kolb's experiential learning theory, Bloom's cognitive domain educational objectives framework, and Gagne's nine-step instructional model, and evaluates their effectiveness and applicability. We found that these models and theories can significantly improve the quality of instruction and learners' overall experience, particularly in skill acquisition and theory application. However, the educational environment, resource constraints, insufficient educator-learner interactions, and the limitations of the theories themselves lead to a significant gap between theory and practice. The article suggests that educators should continue to explore and experiment with different instructional models, making necessary adjustments to suit specific teaching and learning environments and learner needs. The article also suggests conducting more empirical studies to validate the long-term effectiveness of these instructional models and explore ways to reduce the discrepancies between theory and practice, thereby optimizing teaching strategies and improving educational outcomes. This study found that each of these instructional theories and models has its own unique strengths and limitations when applied to the education of snowboarding beginners, such as the ADDIE model, Kolb's theory of experiential learning, Bloom's cognitive domain educational goal framework, and Gagne's nine-step instructional model. They provide a wealth of methods and perspectives for snowboarding teaching, helping educators to choose the most appropriate teaching strategies according to specific teaching needs and learners' characteristics. However, the educational environment, resource constraints, insufficient interaction between educators and learners, and the limitations of the theories themselves lead to a gap between the theories and their practical application. Nonetheless, the judicious application of these theories and models can significantly improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning, especially in terms of enhancing learners' skill acquisition and overall learning experience.
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