Accommodating the Risks of Elderly Tourists For small hotels in Mueang Tak District, Tak Province


  • Sirisak Saksirikhun -
  • Krantharat Khawatkun
  • Phatpitta Sreesoompong
  • Warach Madhyamapurush


Small hotel, Risks, Elderly tourists


This research article aimed to develop a risk management model for elderly tourists for small hotels in Mueang Tak District, Tak Province by applying the concept of Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to assess the level of risk importance, taking into account the perspective of elderly tourists as the main factor and at the same time considering the risk management of small hotels in Mueang Tak District, Tak Province.

The research results to determine the guidelines for developing the management model of small hotels to support the risks of elderly tourists in Mueang Tak District, Tak Province consist of 4 aspects: building, room, environmental health, and service. Recommendations for small hotel operators include CPR equipment, AED in case elderly tourists have an accident or emergency, disease prevention measures, and air filters or ozone sprayers should be installed in the rooms to kill germs. The room should also be clean. If there is a disinfection process to ensure that there are no germs or contaminants in the room before elderly tourists stay, this will help this group of tourists feel safe, confident, and decide to use the service. In addition, various communication signs may be changed to use pictures instead of letters, using colors and sizes that are clearly visible.


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2025-01-31 — Updated on 2024-12-31



Research Articles