The Use of Apply-Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Activity to Support Japanese Reading Comprehension of Undergraduate Students with Fundamental Knowledge

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Shewin Suksamana


The purpose of this research was to study the students’ Japanese reading comprehension before and after learning through apply-jigsaw cooperative learning activity. The participants were sixteen undergraduate students who registered for the course Japanese 3 in the first semester of the academic year 2020 at Payap University. The research instruments consisted of four lesson plans using apply-jigsaw cooperative learning activity and Japanese reading comprehension test. The Japanese reading comprehension test was administered before and after apply-jigsaw cooperative learning activity. Descriptive statistic of mean and standard deviation was performed for data analysis. The finding of this study revealed that the students’ Japanese reading comprehension was improved after learning through apply-jigsaw cooperative learning activity with average scores of 13.75 and 18.75, before and after the activity, respectively.

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How to Cite
Suksamana, S. . (2021). The Use of Apply-Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Activity to Support Japanese Reading Comprehension of Undergraduate Students with Fundamental Knowledge. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 31(1), 63–74.
Research Articles


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