A Comparative Analysis of Conversational Organization in Acceptance of Invitation Conversations of Thai Students speaking in Thai and Japanese Language Thai Learners speaking in Japanese

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Thanit Poonvongprasert


This research aimed to examine a pragmatic transfer among Thai learners who learn Japanese by analyzing conversational organization and usage of speech acts in acceptance of invitation to have meals in Thai and Japanese. The sample consisted of 20 non-Japanese major (TT) pairs and 20 Japanese major students (JT) pairs, 40 pairs in total. All of them were students of Khon Kaen University. Purposive sampling method was used for sample selection. Role play data were recorded from both groups. The results showed that <<opening section>><<invitation section>><<consultation section>> were often found in both of the two groups. But after analyzing pragmatic sequence of each conversation organization, several differences were found as follows (1) TT usually opens conversation by calling, then immediately persuades the invitee in the same turn. Whereas, JT starts with a call and waits for response. (2) When persuaded, TT tends not to accept invitation promptly. Instead, they will ask for details and negotiate with inviter. In contrast, JT often accepts invitation promptly. (3) TT closes the conversation by greeting. But most of JT have no<<closing section>>. Besides the two groups had several differences in usage of speech acts; for example, (1) TT often expresses disagreement directly. But JT tends to avoid disagreement expression. (2) Persuasive speech acts were found only in TT’s conversations. From the results of the study, it could be concluded that pragmatic transfer is not obviously found among JT. Factors that distinguished pragmatic features of two groups are Japanese textbooks of Thai learners, and Japanese proficiency and culture. The results of this study provide background information to guide issues of language transfer which can cause problems in cross-cultural communication.

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How to Cite
Poonvongprasert, T. (2022). A Comparative Analysis of Conversational Organization in Acceptance of Invitation Conversations of Thai Students speaking in Thai and Japanese Language Thai Learners speaking in Japanese. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 31(2), 17–35. https://doi.org/10.14456/pyuj.2021.15
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