The Effects of Cooking Activity Provision on Self-Confidence Behavior of Young Children

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Amolwan Dechasupa
Pattamavadi Lehmongkol
Oraphan Butkatunyoo


The research aims to study the self-confident behavior among preschool children before and after participating in the cooking activities. The target group was 10 preschool boys and girls between the ages of 4-5 years studying in Kindergarten 1, Semester 2, Academic Year 2020, Wat Ratchaphatikaram School School, Dusit District Office, Bangkok. The research tools were the cooking activity plan, the Assessment Form of self-confidence among preschool children, and the record of self-confident behavior of preschool children. Data analysis was conducted by mean, standard deviation (SD), and content analysis.

The results revealed:

1. The preschool children who participated in the cooking activity had higher self-confident behaviors after the experiment than before the experiment. The mean of self-confidence preschool children was 16.8 and SD was 1.54.

2. The preschool children who participated in the cooking activity had higher self-confident behavior after the experiment than before on each dimension: self-expression and self-assertion skills with mean of 5.8, and SD of 0.63, self-esteem with mean of 5.5, SD of 0.71, and decision making with mean of 5.5, SD of 0.97 respectively.

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How to Cite
Dechasupa, A., Lehmongkol, P., & Butkatunyoo, O. (2022). The Effects of Cooking Activity Provision on Self-Confidence Behavior of Young Children. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 31(2), 36–49.
Research Articles


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