Problems and Solutions for Student Affairs Management for Banmaisamakkhi School

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Boontuen Subin


This survey research aims to: 1) study the problems of student affairs administration, 2) compare the problems of student affairs administration according to the teachers, parents, and students, and 3) study solutions ofproblems of student affairs administration at Banmaisamakkhi School. The populations are teachers, parents, and students of Banmaisamakkhi School. There are 281 people in 2016 academic year. The multistage sampling is received the 166 samples. The research instrument is used the rating scale. The statistics are Mean, Standard Deviation, F-test and Scheffe's Method. The research results reveal the student affairs administration problems in overall are at the moderate level. The comparison of student affairs administration problems reported that the difference was statistically significant at the .05. The solutions, following the National Primary Education Act B.E.2523, should appoint student inspectors, invite local leaders to solve the student behavior problems, and be strict discipline. The student efficiency support service should improve the student achievement, help the destitute or underprivileged students, protect student’s safety, provide the parents and students’ opportunities expressing their opinions, and provide all guidance counselors. The extracurricular activities should be organized the activities conform to needs, provide adequate Internet, and allow the community using the library. The activities, which encourage the school and alumni relationships, should provide their opportunities to participate in school development annually, and choose the local leaders to be advisors of the alumni association.

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How to Cite
Subin, B. (2022). Problems and Solutions for Student Affairs Management for Banmaisamakkhi School. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 31(2), 64–79.
Research Articles


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