The Influence of Motivation, Media Exposure, Uses and Gratifications of “PRO Addict" Facebook Fan Page Followers that affect Purchase Intention of Home Electronic Appliances via an e-Commerce Platform of the “PRO Addict" Facebook Fan Page

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Kotshakorn Yossanant
Weerapong Pounglek


This research aims to study the Influence of motivation, media exposure, uses and gratifications of “PRO Addict" facebook fan page followers on their purchase intention of home electronic appliances via an e-commerce platform. The research participants were 330 members of “PRO Addict” facebook fan page living in Bangkok and its suburbs. The purposive sampling was employed to recruit the participants. The questionnaire was used as a research tool, and the following statistics were applied when analyzing the data percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. The research can explain the variance of intention to buy home appliances in the home through E-commerce channels of “PRO Addict” members which can be used to create a prediction Y (intention) = -.178+.294 (motivation) +.238 (time of exposure) +.113 (Utilization) +.408 (satisfaction) which together can predict the equation by 76.5%. The multiple correlation coefficient (.874) with statistical significance (p = 0.05) showed that motivation, media exposure, uses and gratifications can predict the intention to buy electrical appliances through E-Commerce channels of the fan page members "PRO Addicted.”

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How to Cite
Yossanant, K., & Pounglek, W. (2022). The Influence of Motivation, Media Exposure, Uses and Gratifications of “PRO Addict" Facebook Fan Page Followers that affect Purchase Intention of Home Electronic Appliances via an e-Commerce Platform of the “PRO Addict" Facebook Fan Page. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 31(2), 92–107.
Research Articles


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