Work Performance Motivation of Police Officers Kanchanalak Provincial Police Station Sisaket Province


  • Pornnchai Khantong M.PA. candidate, Master of Public Administration in Local Government, Sisaket Rajabhat University, Thailand


motivation, work performance, police station


               The purposes of this research were to study the level of work performance motivation of police officers working and compare work performance motivation of Kantharalak Provincial Police Station Sisaket Province. Classified by salary and the period of official performance. Population and sample groups used in the research were 118 police officers selected by stratified random sampling method. Tools used included questionnaires and data analysis by using the software package. The statistics used were mean, standard deviation, t-test and F (One-way ANOVA).

               The results showed that, most respondents revealed their opinions about the overview of motivation in the performance of motivation factors and supporting factors of police officers Kantharalak Provincial Police Station Sisaket province at a moderate level. Secondly, a number of made comments about the overview of Motivation in the operation of supporting factors of police officers Kantharalak Provincial Police Station Sisaket province at a moderate level. Third, respondents with different salaries had different opinions   regarding the level of motivation in performing the duties of the police officers. Statistical significance at the level of .05 was found. Finally, respondents with different operational periods had different opinions about the level of motivation in performing the duties of the police officers. The overall picture showed statistical significance level at .05. Therefore, motivation is an import factor in driving efficiency in work practices and creating a good working atmosphere in the organization.


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How to Cite

Khantong, P. (2020). Work Performance Motivation of Police Officers Kanchanalak Provincial Police Station Sisaket Province. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 15(52), 42–52. Retrieved from



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