Problems and Needs of People in Solving Government Problems, Land, Public Benefit in the Local Area Noen Sa-ad Village, Moo 8 Nararat Kwai Sub-District, Mueang District, Nakhon Phanom Province


  • Worawut Inthanon Lecturers, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Nakhon Phanom University
  • Natthaphon Anchan Lecturers, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Nakhon Phanom University
  • Prapatpong Preecha Lecturers, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Nakhon Phanom University


government academic services, public land, public participation


                Research on problems of the needs of people and government regarding public land laws in Noensaard village, Moo 8, Naratchakwai Subdistrict, Muang District, Nakhon Phanom Province aimed at finding ways of public participation in the governmental academic services  including informing people about knowledge of governmental public land management and their rights on public land, according to the Land Code, Section 8. This section provides that the land which is the domain public of state for the common use of people or for special use of the state or the restricted or reserved land as requested by public bodies may be annulled or transferred for other use or allocated for people in the following circumstance: the annulment or transfer of the land that is for the common use of people may be carried out under the act provided that the public bodies, state or private enterprises make other land available for people in lieu thereof. If, nonetheless, such land ceases to be for the common use of people or its condition changes to the effect that it is not fit for the common use of people and its ownership is not vested in any person under any other laws, the annulment shall be carried out under the Royal Decree.

                This research is a qualitative research collecting and analyzing the data from the Land Code and Civil and Commercial Code, textbooks and legal academic articles, including data from interviewing with expert government officials, local stakeholders and people who live in the Noensaard Village. The scope of the research is the public participation of people in public land use in accordance with Section 8 of the Land Code and the use of the land which is public domain of state provided for citizens to use together, in order to reduce conflicts in practice and develop the mutual benefit between local people and the government agencies which are responsible for land management.

               The suggestion was making improvement in administration and academic services of the public services by the government agencies that are involved in the Noensaard Village. People in the village should be granted the right to participate and express their opinions on the laws regarding public grazing land and the land which is the domain public of state for the common use of people, in accordance with the section 8 of the Land Code.


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Research article