Cultural Conservation Patterns Ban Nong Bua, Phu Luang District, Loei Province for Sustainable Tourism Management: Folk Arts and Crafts


  • Thairoj Phoungmanee Lecturer, Visual arts Program Department of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Kotchasi Charoensuk Lecturer, Music Program Department of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Loei Rajabhat University


cultural preservation, sustainable tourism management, folk arts and crafts


This academic article aimed to: 1) study the state of the area and culture of Ban Nong Bua, Phu Luang district, Loei province; and 2) study the model of cultural conservation of Ban Nong Bua, Phu Luang district, Loei Province.  The data was collected 20 informants who were local wisdom scholars, community leaders, tourism management groups, and local academics using focus group conversation, interview and documentary review. Content analysis was implemented for data analysis. The results of the study were as follows.

1. Ban Nong Bua is a village in Phu Luang District, Loei Province. There are prehistoric archeological sites. The surrounding environment is plentiful; there are forests, mountains and rivers. There is also the legend and belief related to Phaya Chang and Nang Pom Hom (King Elephant and the Fragrant-hair Lady) of the people residing in the community and neighboring areas. The worshipping events are annually held.  The cultures remained existent and held in the community are related to the 12-month rituals regarding to the beliefs of the community and Buddhism. In addition, the cultures related to handicrafts needed to be inherited and conserved were Saw Ka Bang, Bamboo Tung, crafts, pottery, and colored stones and terracotta accessories.

2.  There are 8 models of cultural conservations: 1) the model of production and conservation group establishment; 2) the model of school curriculum management system; 3) the model of workshop training for community; 4) the model of training to promote understanding; 5) the model of community radio station; 6) the model of creating document in form of printings and online media; 7) the model of the Youth Group; and 8) the model source of learning conservation.


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Academic article