Management Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Srinakharinwirot University


  • Kanittha Homchan Master’s candidate, Master of Public Administration, Public and Private Management Program, North Bangkok University
  • Pongsak Phetsatit Lecturer, Master of Public Administration, Public and Private Management Program, North Bangkok University
  • Wiyada Waranonwanich Lecturer, Master of Public Administration, Public and Private Management Program, North Bangkok University


management factors, effectiveness


                The research purposes were to: 1) study the effectiveness level of Srinakharinwirot university and  2) study management factors affecting the effectiveness of Srinakharinwirot university. The method of this study from the population included 5,703 people, academic personnel, administrative personnel of Srinakharinwirot University. The sample was comprised of 374 participants. The tool used for data collection was a rating scale questionnaire. They were checked for validity by using Item Objective Congruence Index with the accuracy of  1.00 and t-test by bringing to trial inquiry (try-out) group test 30 people to find the Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient with the .970 reliability. The statistics used to analyze data composed of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.

                The results revealed that:

                 1. The effectiveness of Srinakharinwirot university, as a whole were at a high level. When considered each aspect, the average from the most to the least is service efficiency, adaptability, development, satisfaction of personnel and service ability.

                 2. The management factors of Srinakharinwirot university, as a whole were at a high level. When considered each aspect, the average from the most to the least is organizational culture, participation, personnel, organization structure, leadership, process and technology, organization strategy and budget.

                3. The management factors that could effect the effectiveness of Srinakharinwirot university consisted of participation, budget, personnel, organizational culture and organization strategy.


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Thesis article