Improvement in Accessibility to Professional Development Welfare of Persons with Disabilities by Social Network: A Case Study of the Association of the Blind and Persons with Disabilities, Roi-Et Province


  • Weerachai Arsarin Master of Public Administration, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University
  • Ajirapa Pienkhuntod Lecturer, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University


social welfare, professional development, persons with disabilities, association, partnerships


                This research held a research question that how did the Association of the Blind and Persons with Disabilities improve the professional development of persons with disabilities in Roi-Et province? This research used in-depth interview to gather information from representatives from the Association of the Blind and Disability person Roi-Et province, local government officials from the Nonchaisri sub-district, Ponthong district, Roi-Et province, officials from the Social Development and Human Security Office, Roi-Et province, and officials from the Department of Skill Development, Roi-Et province. The gathered information then was analyzed along with information from secondary research and documents.

                The results found that the Association of the Blind and Persons with Disabilities helped improved the professional development of persons with disabilities in Roi-Et province. Persons with disabilities could access to professional development via the association’s programs. The association had 2 main roles, which were creating of database of persons with disabilities and following up and looking out for benefits of persons with disabilities disability person in Roi-Et province. Moreover, with the association’s assistance, the persons with disabilities could: 1) access to funding of 50,000 bath per year for skill development trainings from 3 government departments (the Social Development and Human Security, Skill Development, and the local government of Nonchaisri sub-district, Ponthong district, Roi-Et province; and 2) access to loans without interests (for 5 years) from the Career Development for Persons with Disabilities Fund for a career setup, which was coordinated by the association to ensure that the loans used for career advancement and better earning of persons with disabilities.


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