Managing the Service Quality Gap of the Multinational Corporation Hotel Business Group at Hua Hin District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province Amid the Crisis of the Third Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Phrutsaya Piyanusorn Lecturer, International Logistic Management Department at Faculty of Management Sciences, Silpakorn University
  • Rachanon Taweephol Lecturer, Hotel Management Department at Faculty of Management Sciences, Silpakorn University


crisis management, service quality gap, hotel business of multinational corporations, COVID-19


                This research aimed to: 1) study problems and limitations in the service quality management of hotel business groups of multinational corporations; and 2) analysis of service quality gap of the multinational hotel business. It is qualitative research using the phenomenological method. Data were collected through in-depth interviews from key informants who are experienced in hotel human resource management and development from five international hotel business groups, totaling 10 people. The finding found that: 1) Manpower reduction to maintain hotel costs, caused the problem of an insufficient number of service providers to service; and 2) The need of preparation to manage the gaps in the five aspects of service quality, which are: 2.1) the opinions of the clients that the hotel collected data on behaviour to be used to forecast and define service models; 2.2) design of service standards by implementing public health measures, both SHA: Amazing Thailand Safety & Health and each international network; 2.3) the potential of service providing through Work From Home and promoting the performance of service providers with the principles of Reskills and Upskills; 2.4) communication with public relations via social media along with the promotion activities with the government; and 2.5) on the perception of satisfaction through the form to collect comments on the service and survey information through the general website group.


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