The Study of English Language Development to Promote Tourism in Phetchabun Province: A Case Study of Tourist Assistant Officers in Muang District, Phetchabun Province


  • Chutima Amtong Lecturer, Business English Program, Faculty of Humanities and social Sciences, Phetchabun Rajabhat University


English language usage need, tourism information, tourist assistant officer


The objectives of this study was to survey the need of English usage of government administrative officers who work in Phetchabun government office, Muang District, Phetchabun Province. This research was designed as quantitative research. The research instrument was questionnaires for surveying needs and interests in communicative English lessons. The target groups were 36 government administrative officers who work in Phetchabun Provincial Office, Muang Phetchabun Municipality, and Office of Phetchabun Tourism and Sports. They were selected by Purposive sampling. The data obtained were analyzed by the percentage and mean. The results of this study revealed that the government administrative officers had problem when they use English to give the information for Tourism in Phetchabun province. The topic that needs to be focused on practicing their English skill was the 14 impressive tourism landmarks at the percentage of 4.67.


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