Factors Influencing the Choices of Jobs for the Undergraduates of the Faculty of Management Science at Loei Rajabhat University


  • Chinchoeng Kaewka Lecturer, Bachelor of Accountancy Program in Accounting, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat university
  • Satiya Klinsukhon Lecturer, Bachelor of Accountancy Program in Accounting, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat university
  • Ratchadapron Kamkaew Bachelor’s student, Department of Accounting Program, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat university


choices of jobs, undergraduates


The purposes of this research were to study the factors influencing the choices of jobs for the undergraduates of the Faculty of Management Science at Loei Rajabhat University and to compare personal factors with the factors influencing the choices of jobs for the students. The samples consisted of 235 selected from the population of 604 undergraduates in the Faculty of Management Science at Loei Rajabhat University. The research instrument was a  5-point scale questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing statistics.

The research results were as follows:

1. The analysis of the factors influencing the choices of jobs for the undergraduates of the Faculty of Management Science at Loei Rajabhat University, as a whole, was found at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the factor averagely scored the highest was labor cost and compensation, followed by the nature of work, progress and stability, organizational aspects, and social environment, respectively.

2. The comparison between personal factors with the factors influencing the choices of jobs for the undergraduates of the Faculty of Management Science at Loei Rajabhat University, classified by genders and students’ programs, revealed that the choices of jobs of the students from different programs were different at statistical significance level of .05. The overall choices of jobs of the students from different genders were not different.


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