Guidelines for Development Marketing Strategy Build Loyalty for Sport Tourism Attendance Professional Football Buriram United Club in Buriram Province


  • Warong Thiuthas Master’s Student, Management, Graduate School of Tourism Management, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Paithoon Monpanthong Lecturer, Graduate School of Tourism Management, National Institute of Development Administration


marketing strategy, loyalty, sports tourism, Buriram united association


This research is the quantitative research. The objective is to study the behavior and needs of sports tourism to the marketing mix that affects to make loyalty in sport tourists. By using the questionnaire is the tool of research and to specify a sampling group by purposive sampling, to be total 400 people of sport tourists who visit the football competition of Buriram United Association, during 2018. To analyze the data by using frequency distribution and Median, as well as to test with chi square and correlation between the individual factor and marketing behavior, the opinion of marketing mix, and the loyalty by Multiple Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. The result of research was found that the sport tourists would educate data from the friends and online media before attending the competition to be 83.75 percentage, next to travel to visit by themselves or groups to be 97 percentage as well as, to travel by their vehicles to be 91 percentage to arrive before watching the competition and to stay after finished game for one day. Normally, the tourists often come to watch the competition and go home, not resting or staying. So, the tourists who stay here, will use service of local residence for more than one day to be 91.50 percentage. In addition, these tourists who used to buy and use the products of sport club, always repeating purchase. To have the most satisfaction of famous of association, service of competition data, field management, agree with price of products and souvenirs to be worthwhile and reliability of marketing mix, delight to recommend by word of mouth, buy or use repeating service. So, from analyzing that result was found that the individual of personnel has had relation with behavior and needs to attend the professional football match, statistically significant at the .05 level. By multiple correlation results of the marketing mix factor has have positive relation with loyalty every dimension, statistically significant at the .01 level. As well as, multiple regression of marketing mix factor; Product, Price, Physical and Process, statistically significant at the .05 level. For the other marketing mix factor, was not found that has had the relation with loyalty overall.


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