Value of Willingness to Accept the Difference in Purchase Price of Green Sugarcane and Burned Sugarcane of Farmers in Pak Puan Sub-District, Wang Saphung District, Loei Province


  • Kannika Kawon Bachelor's Student, Economics, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Sunita Sarawong Bachelor's Student, Economics, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Anucha Wilaikaew Lecturer, Economics, Faculty of Management Science, Loei Rajabhat University


willingness to accept, burnt sugarcane, contingent valuation method: (CVM)


The objective of this research was to study general information of sugarcane farmers. as well as assessing the willingness to accept the difference in the purchase price of green sugarcane and burned sugarcane and analyze the factors affecting the willingness to accept the difference in the purchase price of green sugarcane and burned sugarcane of the farmers in Pak Puan sub-district, Wang Saphung district, Loei province. Data were collected from a sample of 219 households by using the cost estimation hypothesis. Closed-ended type offers two prices. and did a logistic regression analysis.

The results of the study revealed that the sample group of sugarcane farmers in Pak Puan sub-district, Wang Saphung district, Loei province, had 5-9 years of sugarcane cultivation experience, with an area of ​​5-14 Rai of sugarcane planting. Agriculture harvested sugarcane by burning all of them and partially burning them. due to labor shortages and ease of harvesting The mean willingness to accept the difference in purchase price of green sugarcane and burned sugarcane was 241.78 baht per tonne. The experience of sugarcane cultivation was the factor that influenced the willingness to accept the difference in purchase price of green and burnt sugarcane in the opposite direction.

Therefore, in order to reduce the burning of sugarcane by sugarcane growers, Pak Puan sub-district, Wang Saphung district, Loei province, it should be considered to increase the difference to 241.78 baht per ton, especially so that those who have experience in sugarcane cultivation will reduce the burning significantly important.


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