Competency and Service Quality Correlation to the Image of Suvarnabhumi Airport
competency, service quality, Suvarnabhumi airport’s imageAbstract
The research Objective 1) study demographic data related to the image of Suvarnabhumi Airport, 2) explore the competence related to the image of Suvarnabhumi Airport, 3) investigate the service quality related to the image of Suvarnabhumi Airport and 4) explore the relationship between demographic data, competence and service quality related to the image of the Suvarnabhumi Airport. Quantitative research was done by using a questionnaire and accidental sampling, collecting data from personnel working at Suvarnabhumi Airport with a total number of 390 samples. The statistics used were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test statistics, F-test statistics (One-way ANOVA) and Correlation. The results of the study found that demographic data had no relationship with the image of Suvarnabhumi Airport, but the competency and service quality had a relationship with the image of Suvarnabhumi Airport at high to the highest level. Achievement Motivation was the most correlated aspect with ‘adhering to righteousness and ethics’ at the highest level Service quality related to the image of Suvarnabhumi Airport was found at the most correlated with the concreteness of the service’ at the highest level. Therefore, Suvarnabhumi Airport should focus on improving the quality of service by emphasizing on the concreteness of the service. Encourage the management of operational training. Or have an operating manual to go in the same direction Promote a sustainable good image
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