Guidelines for Driving Loei's Cultural Council Towards Sustainable Enhancement in Potential and Cultural Knowledge of Loei Province


  • Thairoj Phoungmanee Lecturer, Visual arts Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Loei Rajabhat University


driving, cultural council, potential creation, body of cultural knowledge


This academic article aimed to present a guideline for driving Loei Provincial Cultural Council to enhance the sustainable body of cultural knowledge in Loei Province. The author collected the data from the document, research works, and articles related to the Cultural Council and field study to collect the data from representatives of the Cultural Council of Loei Province, the committee members, and those involved. It was found that Loei Provincial Cultural Council is a group of people being selected as representatives for cultural operations. The condition of the cultural council still lacked knowledge and understanding about the clear implementation that caused general people not to understand the role of Loei Provincial Cultural Council. Therefore, the following actions must be taken: 1) Developing potential and creating the body of cultural knowledge of the cultural environment;  2) Encouraging all members and stakeholders to participate in considering the common goals and methods of actions;  3) Formulating strategies and driving activities for cultural council committees to create the knowledge in the area; 4) Building a cultural network at the sub-district level; and  5) Seeking for public or private budgets to support activities at the provincial level, district level and sub-district level. The guidelines for driving the Loei Provincial Cultural Council were as follows:  1) workshops;  2) study visits; and 3) meetings to exchange knowledge.


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How to Cite

Phoungmanee, T. (2023). Guidelines for Driving Loei’s Cultural Council Towards Sustainable Enhancement in Potential and Cultural Knowledge of Loei Province. Research and Development Journal, Loei Rajabhat University, 18(66), 1–10. Retrieved from