An Analysis of the Potential of Entrepreneur Institutions and Rubber Collectors and Processors in Loei Province


  • Nikorn Noiprom Lecturer, Economics Program, Faculty of Management science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Yanin Thongmak Lecturer, Economics Program, Faculty of Management science, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Narong Kamonchit The Loei Provincial Office Of The Comptroller General’s Department


potential analysis, entrepreneur institutions, rubber collectors and processors


This research aimed to: 1) study the potential levels of entrepreneur institutions and rubber collectors and processors in Loei province.; and  2) analyze the potential of  the entrepreneur institutions and rubber collectors and processors in order to create the strategy for trading development in Loei province. This research is a mixed method research. The samples, selected by using purposive sampling technique, were 10 entrepreneur institutions and processors in agricultural industry in Loei province to participate in the project and 6 officers working for rubber development who had experience, were expert, and were responsible for this. The research tools comprised an interview and a structural questionnaire. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics namely percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and the strategy was evaluated from SWOT Analysis.

The study showed that the potential of internal factors of entrepreneur institutions and rubber collectors and processors in Loei Province had the strength that there was a certain market for selling rubber products. The potential was at a high level. The weakness was bargaining power with the market for rubber products to resell, and insufficient financial loans to create liquidity. The potential was at a low level. There was a chance that the government offered funding support. The government had policies and measures to help continuously, rubber product buyers made sufficient income to support their family wealthily, and farmers used technologies that promote the production of a variety of rubber resulting in buying rubber products with a high potential. For obstacle, the current economic situation affected the income from the sale of rubber products with a low level of potential. There were 4 strategies obtained: 1) Market development strategy for buying rubber products; 2) Local marketing strategy; 3) Capital support strategy; and 4) Network building strategy. Loei Provincial Finance Executive Board as well as agencies involving in rubber promotion can apply these strategies to develop trade development projects in the area.


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