Identity of Local Food Tourism: A Case Study of Khao Pun Nam Nua Towards Creating Soft Power of Renu Nakhon District, Nakhon Phanom Province


  • Ratchapol Kittiamornpong Bachelor of Business Administration student, Major in Tourism Industry Management, Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Khon Kaen University
  • Napat Kamkaew Bachelor of Business Administration student, Major in Tourism Industry Management, Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Khon Kaen University
  • Maythawin Polnyotee Lecturer, Tourism Industry Management, Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Khon Kaen University


Identity, Khao Pun Nam Nua Renu, local food tourism, soft power


This research was a study on the identity of local food tourism a case of Khao Pun Nam Nua towards creating soft power of Renu Nakhon District, Nakhon Phanom Province. The objectives are 1) to study the current situation and evaluate the potential of the identity of local food tourism in the category of Khao Pun Nam Nua 2) to analyze the value and identity of local food tourism in the category of Khao Pun Nam Nua 3) to guide about creating Soft Power of local food tourism, type of Khao Pun Nam Nua. In this regard, the method of selecting the sample group and key-informants are a purposive selection of people who have experience and are involved with Khao Pun Nam Nua as a local food, consist of tourists and government agencies involved in tourism development and promotion. The quantitative sample group were 400 tourists, and the main qualitative key-informants were local food restaurant owners and government agencies, totaling 4 people.

The research results found that 1) the current situation of local foods tourism such as Khao Pun Nam Nua is decline because of the effect from the economic crisis and the COVID-19 situation, moreover the price of ingredient is increasing. 2) in term of identity and value of local food tourism, Khao Pun Nam Nua Renu which is the characterized taste, it can show the distinguished culture of Renu Na Khon Sub-district. 3) the guideline of Soft power creation in local food tourism for Khao Pun Nam Nua Renu  are 3.1) using the local ingredient to present the distinguished local food 3.2) indicating the food standard 3.3) developing the local food identity to be the tourism interpretation of Nakhon Phanom 3.4) coordinating with the local agency to participate in tourism development while support potential of the local working sustainability in publicize local food tourism and local product to the tourist, and increasing the readiness and potential of local restaurant owner and tourism service staff to serve the tourist.


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