Internal Organizational Environmental Factors Effects on the Stress Levels of Military Police in Military Police Battalion Office of Headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters


  • Oranan Kalantapura Lecturer, Master of Arts Program in Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University
  • Chonneenat Suwanmanee Student, Master of Arts Program in Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University


personal factors, organization environment, the stress


This quantitative research studies the effects of internal organizational environmental factors on the stress levels of Military Police in Military Police Battalion, Office of the Headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters. The study has four primary objectives: 1) to study the stress levels of Military Police in Military Police Battalion, Office of Headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters;  2) to examine the organizational environmental factors within Military Police Battalion, Office of Headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters;  3) to compare the stress levels among Military Police in Military Police Battalion, Office of Headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, based on personal factors; and 4) to investigate organizational environmental elements affecting the stress levels of military inspectors. The researcher anticipates that this study will be a valuable resource for commanders at the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, providing guidance on stress resolution and promoting better mental health among military inspector subordinates. The study employed 63 participants selected through simple random sampling. Data collection was conducted through questionnaires using the Krejcie and Morgan formula. Data analysis involved basic statistical methods, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, and Pearson's correlation coefficient, with a statistical significance level of .05.

The results indicate that: 1) the overall stress levels of Military Police in Military Police Battalion, Office of Headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, were generally low;  2) environmental factors within Military Police Battalion, Office of Headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, showed a high level of opinion regarding roles and responsibilities in the workplace;  3) stress levels of Military Police in Military Police Battalion, Office of Headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, separated by personal factors,  varies based on marital status. However, age, education level, personal income, and length of work showed no differences in stress levels; and 4) elements within the organizational environment, including organizational structure, workplace atmosphere, professional advancement, and relationships with coworkers, were found to be associated with the stress levels of Military Police in Military Police Battalion, Office of Headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters. However, the characteristics of work, roles, and responsibilities were reported to have no effect on their stress levels.


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Thesis article