Food Quality, Price Value, and Physical Environment Influence Chinese Consumers’ Decisions to Choose Thai Restaurants in Chengdu
food quality, price value, physical environment, Chengdu Thai restaurantsAbstract
This independent study objectives were: 1) examine the level of importance that Chinese consumers in Chengdu place on food quality, price value, and physical environment factors of Thai restaurants, as well as their decision to use Thai restaurant services; and 2) investigate how food quality, price value, and physical environment factors affect Chinese consumers' decision to use Thai restaurant services in Chengdu. The sample consisted of 385 Chinese consumers residing in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Data was collected through an online questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics (percentage, mean, standard deviation) as well as inferential statistics like Multiple Regression Analysis.
The results of the research found that: 1) Chinese consumers considered price value as the most important factor in using Thai restaurant services in Chengdu, while also placing a high level of importance on food quality and physical environment; and 2) The food quality factor has the greatest impact on Chinese consumers' decision to use Thai restaurants in Chengdu at 74 percent, with a statistical significance of .05, followed by the value for money factor. Price and physical environment affect Chinese consumers' decision to use Thai restaurants in Chengdu at 32 and 11 percent, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
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