Outcomes of Learning Management Using Open Approach Together with Creative Problem Solving Processes Affecting Problem Solving and Mathematical Creativity of Matthayomsuksa 4 Students

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Kewalee Maha
Songsak Phusee-Orn


The objectives of this research were 1) to compare problem-solving abilities and mathematical creativity of Mathayomsuksa 4 students on probability; After receiving the open learning management with creative problem solving process according to the criteria of 70 percent and 2) to compare the problems. problem-solving and creative abilities Mathematics subjects of Mathayomsuksa 4 students on probabilities before and after were dealt with using an open approach combined with a creative problem solving process. The sample group was students. Mathayomsuksa 4, semester 2, academic year 2021, Yang Talat Wittayakhan School It was obtained from a random group of 1 classroom with 35 students. Research tools were: 1) Open learning management plan with creative process, 5 learning plans, totaling 10 hours, with an average of 4.73-4.77, in a reasonable level. the most It was a subjective type of 3 items with the Index of Consistency (IOC) between 0.67-1, difficulty (p) between 0.55-0.62, discriminating power (r) between 0.30-0.41 and the reliability of the whole version equal to 0.99. Mathematical creativity was subjective, 4 items, index of consistency (IOC) from 0.67 - 1, difficulty value (p) between 0.58-0.62, discrimination power (r) between 0.34-0.38, and reliability of the whole article was 0.97 ways. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test for one sample and independent t-test for dependent samples.

            The results were as follows: 1. Mathayomsuksa 4 students after receiving the mathematics learning management method; 2. Mathayomsuksa 4 students after receiving open learning with creative problem-solving process. had the ability to solve problems and creativity in mathematics higher than 70% with a statistical significance at the .05 level. Students who are open-minded to creative problem-solving have higher problem-solving abilities and mathematics creativity than ever before. Statistically significant at the .05 level.

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